Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sample Of Sorority Interest Letter

March 8, 2011 - International Women's Day

 8 marzo
Uber per Tutta la città ne parla Radio 3

Il calendario disegnato da Uber e le ali della cultura disegnate da Elena Ospina siano di buon augurio per tutte le donne del mondo... AUGURI A TUTTE!!

International Women's Day: I Will Fly
   Elena Ospina
by http://www.cartoonmovement.com/


Greetings and best wishes to all women,
boys a kiss as a friend ...
Marilena Nardi http://www.marilenanardi.it/

is held on the woman or do you party? Well, in the case of our beautiful Italy I fear it is more likely the latter.
  Umberto Romaniello

Petar Pismestrovic


International Women's Day
    Amr Okasha Egypt

The world still biased in favor of men by

sharp mimosas

A Special Day
Click to enlarge strip. Other March 8 to cartoons of the blog.

Luca De Santis The Donkey

Giulio Laurenzi

E' festa!

E' festa!
Paride Puglia

Ancora oggi
Mario Bochicchio

di Agim Sulaj


Otto Marzo 2011
Lo so, non è una bella immagine con cui celebrare la Women's Day , but I think that - even and especially on a day like this - it is important have in mind the lowest level, petty, arrogant, slimy, ingratiating, destructive and dehumanizing way in which a certain type of machismo continues to thrive in what we call civil society pompously. To continue
- men and women together - to fight! The
MoisEditoriale today is inspired by this news

Tullio Boi http://www.brulliotoi.it/


PS: 1811-1911 International Women's Day Centenary?

hundred years or so.
Uber Humour

100th Anniversary of International Women's Day
Paris Puglia

Dresses By Masquerade

Prime Minister went to the dentist.

Photo intraoperative
Paris Puglia

want to see that the process can not open his mouth to the recurrence of the injury? The
santuomo suffers for us all, and thus part of the machinery of popular culture ministry that brings in all the houses of the Italian grim story of the attack.
Vukic - vukicblog

bone graft and implant

Patorno http://mauropatorno.blogspot.com/

Perversions dental
Antonio Fiorino

Surgical yesterday 7 March 2011 in a facility of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Silvio Berlusconi.Al prime minister, has been re-planted a tooth lost in the attack in Milan, where he had been hit with a statuette, it has already returned to his residence at Arcore, post-operative convalescence is expected to last several days. the news

Monday, March 7, 2011

Where To Buy Styrofoam

100,000 ... The 4

... visits!

Gongolo confess ... thank you all!

PS: wonder of Garibaldi seemed appropriate for your event

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pokemon Crystal Formac

APOCALYPSE, caricatures of Portos - February 27, 2011 Tommy

I 4 APOCALYPSE, caricatures of Portos - February 27
appendix to week in cartoons: 21 - 28 February 2011

Re confess (Vittorio Emanuele)
When we hear that the country reality is quite gruesome, for real means in all likelihood the Savoy family. The performances of the vibrant artistic Emanuele Filiberto (singer and dancer television) become almost noticeable in comparison to what he would do his father Vittorio Emanuele, the man who is called as a metro station. In a video released in 2006 by The Fact Daily, The Savoy admits that he murdered in Corsica, in August 1978, nineteen Dirk Hamer. In short, he shot a German with thirty years of delay: it seems that now his lawyers have intention to pass the tragic event for an episode of little resistance on time. The horror is clear, listening to the sound of the short film: His Majesty has, speaking to an inmate in the prison of power, that he was right to fire him: "I have fulfilled but I fooled them all, thanks to a battery of lawyers ... "A phrase that, for some reason, we believe someone else is hoping to speak of here in a while. Maybe it's just
impression, for heaven's sake ...

SOLOIST Mariano Apicella

More than a concert, he starred in a remarkable week of confusion: the her show is scheduled for March 10 at the Teatro degli Arcimboldi in Milan, one ticket sold in advance. Even Morgan, Perform in recent days to Nanni di Tradate Palastracchino grandfather, has sold five. This is clearly a plot against the charming minstrel Berlusconi, warp from the usual singer-songwriters on the left, with the same people who have dark maneuvers portato Roberto Vecchioni a vincere la sessantunesima edizione del Festival di Sanremo. Ma il Governo non resterà di certo con le mani in mano. 
E’ già allo studio di un’apposita commissione la necessaria contromossa. 
Dopo quello Alfano, è il momento di un nuovo Lodo, stavolta con l’aggiunta di un quanto mai opportuno apostrofo: l’odo Apicella, un decreto legge in base al quale almeno due terzi della popolazione nazionale dovrà obbligatoriamente udire Apicella mentre canta durante i concerti in giro per lo Stivale. In alternativa, ad ascoltarlo gorgheggiare andranno i 28 rappresentanti del Gruppo di Responsabilità Nazionale, da Barbareschi a Scilipoti. They have proven to be down people who are ready to make the supreme sacrifice.

E 'curious how, in the lives of the powerful and the most expensive with rents are often cheaper, many relatives of VIPs from politics, sports and finance are tenants at truly bargain, of new luxury apartments in downtown Milan.
the Pio Albergo Trivulzio, which already has given us much satisfaction during the scandal tangentopolies
is the body responsible for the strange phenomenon: its President Giuseppe Trabucchi, reviving
at a great Italian tradition of 150 years of national unity, sought long as he could to avoid the resignation. "Rents are definitely in the middle of the market - said - that of Tirana, of course: now we are in the globalization , so everything is in order ...
And then, my duty as I have always done: I was the Chairman of the Board of Directors, I was dealing with the operational management, I was only tasks of address and address ... I have given, and how if I gave him: the daughter of Dell'Utri, the girlfriend of Pisapia, the manager and Juventus Marotta many others ... addresses the best apartments, gosh!
So, what is criticized me? "On second thought, reasoning that line to perfection.

The first statements of the foreign ministry about the gunfire and bombing in Libya, were: "This is the famous Carnival of Benghazi, known worldwide for its cheerful masks and its effects, pyrotechnics, do not worry. "
With the passing of the hours, however, has had to admit that something was wrong.
drop the hypothesis that si trattasse di una riunione di condominio degenerata in uno stabile di Tripoli, siamo stati costretti a convenire con il resto d’Europa che si trattava di repressione ai danni della popolazione insorta contro il regime di Gheddafi. “Un amico è un amico – ha detto a caldo il ministro degli esteri Franco Frattini – bisogna perdonargli qualche piccolo difetto: un po’ di pigrizia, la mancanza di puntualità, 41 anni di dittatura…” Il mondo si chiede perché l’Italia abbia stretto un legame così saldo con il rais, un oppressore che tutto l’Occidente ha sempre guardato con diffidenza. Che c’entriamo noi, in buona sostanza, con un uomo anziano,  dispotico, truccato as a mask, with a paradoxical attraction to much younger women, whose statements, more often, have provoked outrage and hilarity?
Well, think about it ... I probably should not ask.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgyu91tZWcHijGonccRIfSOr1YSe-D7FN2Ko_3x1DGm6ntnFN-xQNAG8dngPIY4ZHpV640d_8qqmGqkl9bN8XN-EqmzkPj_ueONx5pmQJ1mbijkjSoyb7mfkhQXqCAnAxu23HTeJD4mKWw/s1600/fany.big_smile.png https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgyu91tZWcHijGonccRIfSOr1YSe-D7FN2Ko_3x1DGm6ntnFN-xQNAG8dngPIY4ZHpV640d_8qqmGqkl9bN8XN-EqmzkPj_ueONx5pmQJ1mbijkjSoyb7mfkhQXqCAnAxu23HTeJD4mKWw/s1600/fany.big_smile.png insert taken from the crime of slander and satire

Drawings Drawings Portos
satirical lyrics Marco Presta.


Other cartoons of the week Portos:
Wild World

Libyan leader ... leader libido

Tags: Gaddafi and Berlusconi

The Royal SCIO ******************************* ****

- A Berlusconi would like to make the policeman
- Branch jokes?
Labels: jokes, Berlusconi Carabinieri

The Italian Galery ***************************** **

Matteo Salvini

Labels: In half an hour, Lucia Annunziata, Matteo Salvini, Radio Padania

Baldassarri, Barbareschi, Bellotti, Pontoon, Ronchi, Red, Urso, Viespoli.
The turncoat!
FLI and the cattle market.

"The most important thing is that Libya has a Constitution"

Labels: Frattini, Gaddafi, Libya
Crown breaks into home Scazzi

by PORTOS Comic strip

Nutrition Topic Essays

2 marzo 2006 - 2 marzo 2011 sono già passati 5 anni...
oggi leggevo sulla Gazzetta di Parma il ricordo della mamma e del fratellino ed ho pensato di ricordarlo anche qui, sul mio blog, con quel bel disegno di Rocco Grieco...
