Thursday, December 17, 2009

White Fog Lights A Good Idea?


as you may have read in these days Copenhagen summit on climate change is failing ... and then I can not fail to be published this appeal, which I invite you to subscribe to:

Tomorrow world leaders meet to launch unprecedented 60-hour trading. Experts say that without a huge wave of protest and public pressure, the summit will fail to halt the catastrophic increase in global temperature of 2 degrees.

Click below to sign the petition for a real deal in Copenhagen - the campaign has already attracted 11 million supporters - we do in the next 72 hours it becomes more impressive the petition in history! Each name will read it aloud at the summit - the signature in the link below! copenhagen/97.php? Cl_tta_sign = 766babef0b2dc1299be35e15c6287d ba

A Avaaz team is gathering daily at the summit with negotiators who will also organize a spectacular delivery of petitions to world leaders when they arrive, building a giant wall with boxes of petitions and reading aloud the names of every person who signed the petition. Faced with the petition of the most impressive history, the leaders will have no doubt that the whole world is keeping an eye on them.

Millions of people watched TV yesterday in the wake at the summit organized by Avaaz Copenhagen, in which Archbishop Desmond Tutu told hundreds of delegates and children:

"march on Berlin and the wall fell.
"We marched to South Africa and apartheid fell.
" Now we march in Copenhagen - and we get a real deal. "

In Copenhagen we are looking for the biggest mandate in history to stop the most serious threats that humanity has ever faced. The next day I write the story. How our children will remember this historic moment? We tell them that we have done everything possible. copenhagen/97.php?cl_tta_sign= 766babef0b2dc1299be35e15c6287d ba

come hanno scritto sul sito dell'università di Copenhagen: HOPENHAGEN o NOPENHAGEN??

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Used Zumex Juicers For Sale On Ebay

the kitchen moves ....

... sono almeno tre volte che scrivo questo post e ogni volta gate ....
's cooking pies & pastries moves and moves completely inside envelopes surprise , which until now constituted as a partnership issue, but now became final on cooking blog, for a duet collaboration is more challenging, because I think it's more interesting to have one blog that many did well managed with difficulty, because I like how he is making this blog ... cakes & pies and maybe in the meantime is inspired look, stretches, and can be reassembled with other things ... who knows?!? the idea that I blend in the brain is to recast all three (p & p, surprise bags, and readings in the kitchen) and making them into something unique with thematic pages .... a bit 'as if they had a website and three blogs ... (Already read the other hand in the kitchen was born like that!).
meanwhile, for the kitchen, see you there!

leave you with this video, concert Guccini of that I went to see a few days ago (this intense period!), finished the concert with his fists to the beat of "La locomotive"! (On the other hand we were in Livorno ....;-)).

Friday, December 11, 2009

Brother Printer Monitor Offline

in the virtual library

talking about this book:

where?? here!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Free Movies In Spanish Online

pictures this year ...

has already been a year ... and then we're back in the area World Press Photo and, therefore, Lucca Digital Photo Fest , who has just finished (and I went there just the last day!).
The World Press Photo, in the case of photo journalism in the previous year, it's always a slap in the face .... I have not had a chance to see a year where there were atrocities .... I must say that there are pictures that leave me with his mouth open, because with few elements and without slamming into the face of stark reality, we can give all the information without attacking.
To get an idea here you can see all the winners (unfortunately there is no other way to see them!)

Among the current exhibitions to my surprise I liked it very much that of Richard Avedon! I am surprised because I knew him as a photographer Avedon linked to the world of fashion, and then to a certain type of photography.
In fact, we worked for 50 years, so much of its production is related to this industry, then worked on the great names of cinema (Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot and many others) and other industries (Karen Blixen, Henry Kissinger, Eisenhower, The Beatles, Andy Warhol, Francis Bacon...), certo, apportando innovazioni rivoluzionarie: grazie a lui le indossatrici non erano più solo degli oggetti immobili, alla stregua di appendiabiti, ma persone, che vivono in una determinata epoca, che, se vogliamo, in un certo qual modo la documenta, perché Avedon porta le proprie modelle in strada e le fa muovere, passando così dalla foto statica a quella dinamica, dalla modella alla persona reale (attenzione: parliamo ancora degli anni '50-'60!)

What I did not know is that at some point Avedon had "broken" with the world of fashion and, in 1995, the New Yorker published a work called "In memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Comfort. A fable by having Richard, "that somehow puts all his work into question also, because what it represents is a story with two characters clearly opposed, on one hand the beauty of a model as Nadja Auermann the other a skeleton and disturbing, wanting to emphasize the decline, even choose the sets that do nothing but accentuate them. short, a strong representation of the vacuity of the fashion world!
What most impressed us is how he managed to make even a skeleton of expression through the postures, clothing, shots ....

Instead, what "I can not explain is how, despite fierce criticism, he has been able to have carte blanche from the designers who have put available to their clothes .... I dare say a demonstration of great respect!
Wanting to see all the work you can click here (editing is not beautiful, but at least the pictures are not cut!).

(ps the photos are clickable and, therefore, be viewed in full screen!)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Changing Head On A Tripod

Genoa ...

waiting to do pandolce of Chiara ...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Gay Nightlife In Columbus Ga

remember them in elementary school?

I do not know if you were coming harassed in elementary school with classes on food additives, such as avoiding , because they were evil and so on, or if my teacher was particularly enlightened .... but even if you were like me, I challenge anyone to remember those who were indicted!
(and then in the meantime the water has passed under the bridge ....)
I, of having allergies, I used to read the labels of what I buy, that A piece of meat, cheese or a frozen one, I read everything from top to bottom, and sometimes I drop an eye on the presence of additives (identified by E and a number 3 or, more rarely, 4 digits) ... the weirdest thing that happens to me is that by asking salespeople generally do not know what to answer, even if you find the representative of that firm specific, that there is paid by them to promote their products .... falls from the clouds!
Quindi, visto che non mi ricordo mai quali sono da evitare e quali no e, in ogni caso, mi rifiuto di mangiare cose piene di additivi visto che molti medici associano la nostra dieta (oltre all'inquinamento) all'insorgere di malattie autoimmuni (quindi tutto ciò che ha a che vedere con il sistema immunitario, dalle semplici intolleranze alle tiroiditi di hashimoto... passando da tutto il resto!), li evito tutti.
In realtà è più difficile da dirsi che da farsi, ma come al solito un primo periodo di "allenamento" è duro e necessario, perché inizialmente sembra tutto off-limits (!), poi, individuati i prodotti buoni ci abitueremo, al supermercato come altrove, a non vederli nemmeno i prodotti cattivi sugli scaffali!
Ma.... esiste un ma! Noi ingenui crediamo che esista il buono e il cattivo, il bianco e il nero.... e a volte ci scordiamo che così come nelle cose belle anche qui esiste un'ampia varietà di grigi che non ci dobbiamo scordare.... ovvero: anche nel biologico e nel biodinamico sono ammessi gli additivi!!!!
Tutt'altra cosa rispetto al convenzionale, ovvio, si parla di 50 additivi contro i circa 350 concessi nel convenzionale... e poi, a ben guardare, rimanendo tra i grigi ci sono additives are not harmful? and then, as we have to move?
Behold, I will stop here because I do not have answers, I will avoid it, tout court, but I often wondered if there was a way to choose more consciously ... and maybe if there were no natural additives that can be allowed!

So when he called me the other day IZN and asked, hesitant, if I was interested doing with resonance on Exit Matt's book written Giannattasio and Carmen Rucabado Romero additives must say who broke open port non ... wide open! But I want to specify something because lately I take a drift to the blog that I really like this do not buy anything, do it because we like to share what they "discover" and / or learn and the discovery in this case coincides with the publication of a book by a doctor who specializes on food allergies and on the specific issue of food quality and health of consumers ... on which he teaches courses and seminars that could follow IZN and we talked about here and here, and an ophthalmologist specialized nutrition as a factor in prevention of eye diseases .
Well ... how not to talk about? I personally have received an excerpt of the book and it seems very interesting and well structured, after an introduction on what are they, what are the permissible daily doses (ADI) and their usefulness, it follows an additive allowed in organic farming and Biodynamic, Regulation of the European community, then go see how to remove them from your diet or how to delete some specific and, finally, a nice guide on additives are analyzed one by one, indicating the license number, the common name (because otherwise it is given the name does not recognize them anymore!), the use made of it and the degree of toxicity, with a very understandable language, so read even for people like me! ;-)
What can I say more? The plow, which is published by editions and that you buy it online on their site, here .

Good reading e. .. good shopping!