Friday, December 31, 2010

The Movie The Ultimate Attraction

Anche per quest'anno siamo arrivati alla frutta....

dear how are you ready to celebrate ....?! I want to make you all my best wishes for a Happy 2011 and brings so much peace and happiness to all.

New Year
of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

What can I tell you to help you live better in this year ?
Sorridetevi one another;
smile at your wife,
your husband, your children,
the people with whom you work,
who commands you;
sorridetevi each other;
this will help you grow in love,
because the smile is the fruit of love. "

A virtual toast to you all!!

With much love and see you in 2011

Friday, December 24, 2010

First Communion Balloons

a tutte voi dal profondo del mio cuore

tantissimi auguroni di un sereno e meraviglioso Natale

.... ce l'ho fatta sono riuscita a terminare anche le due trousse da regalare alle nipoti oramai fattesi ragazzine

invece queste campanelline le ho fatte da usare come segnaposto


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Play Farmvill On Blackberry


finalmente sono riuscita a terminare i miei Babbo Natale copripanettone, anche se il lavoro è andato avanti con il contagoccie ce l'ho fatta e sono soddisfatta del risultato.

vero che sono simpaticissimi.....
a presto e buona giornata a tutte

Monday, December 6, 2010

Beich Peanut Butter Candy In Can


Anyone stop to learn and old, who has 20 or 80 years. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. (H. Ford)
******************************************** ****************************************

well then you are today is the my birthday! How beautiful the sky this year made me a beautiful gift, the snow ..... I love celebrating my birthday with the snow.
and for this occasion I give you this little little thought quite a chore to do for Christmas that I found on the magazine that I love in particular (creative sewing easy) beautiful place holders to decorations for the Christmas tree.

(click to enlarge)


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why Do I Get Ewcm Before Af

Direct from Apple iWeb blog ... if you watch TV! Fantastic trip

born a few days ago a new blog about TV programs of both the broadcasting landscape, because of narrowcasting.
Veste modern, fresh and simple, with few frills, greenhouse,
• Top Programs quickly distinguished itself for special attention at a glance, far from the chaos of many other sites.
cheating a bit, 'maybe, but confessing everything is born with that makes
volos invention of Apple called iWeb, user-friendly software to publish web pages,
included in the iLife suite, including "default" in every computer Apple.
With the fresh look, and items from the lexicon linear but at the same time sought the author, a young student of Science and Technology Communication, this blog offers insights for those who may not be big consumers of TV, or perhaps simply A comparison of opinions, but for those who are passionate about this medium.
I suggest you make sure you jump on the blog, constantly updated, with bright prospects.
Further, I enclose the link that connects directly to the home page of the presentation!
Greetings! -Daniel-

Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Get Music From Shareaza Ont

Sono mooolto latitante ma ci sono ancora.....

Dear as everything is ok .. ... well, I like you have seen in this period, I neglected a bit 'blogghino my, what a shame! Unfortunately, there is a time you want to do some 'so-so,
My husband had to make a presentation to the foot so that it will be blocked for more than 2 months .... Meanwhile I find myself having to do everything alone and the time I swear I almost slipping from his hands .... I can hardly stay on my blog ..... but today I promised myself that at least (if not every day) a day in and day out I have to include my blog.
in early

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dry Scalp Help With Weave

Ho bisogno del vostro AIUTO.....

I turn to you bravissime creators, I have a small (but from my point of view big) problem I got into his head to make those very nice Santas copripanettone ... but having no pattern but based on photos found on the various blogs I'm trying blissful ignorance .... but alas I said but how will they make those beautiful beards and hair, wool .....
Please if there is someone so nice and kind, but above all more familiar with me from being able to explain the execution I shall be grateful loooong.
tips on how to make your appearance. Thank you thank you

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How To Change Barrels On A Remington 870

Ecco le mie nuove amiche....

as promised a few posts Finl I can put my latest creations, do not tell you how much I enjoyed creating them! Befane now speak of really fast but I find it so beautiful that they can go well in this period as witches!
What do you think??
Now the official presentation:



Monday, October 4, 2010

Hindi Posters On Breast

4 ottobre giornata mondiale degli animali

today I want to dedicate this post to all animals in the world from our four-legged friends to 4 who live with us all day and give us a wonderful time, but especially all animals less fortunate than and they deserve our they, too, a better life.


O Lord, increase us in fellowship with our little brothers;

grant that they may live not for ourselves but for themselves and for Thee;

let us know that they love, like us,

the sweetness of life and will serve in their place

better than we do in ours.

San Basilio

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sg Where Can Find Thec Deckj

Ci sono ancora....

my mom that period, fortunately, the worst is behind us, the other week I had the painter to give renewed on the walls of the house , the result is wonderful, but do not tell you that I spent weeks, almost like a move I had stuff all over!

Empty cabinets .... and then finally move everything clean and tidy .... nice little job!

So I had to set aside jobs and various blog .... sigh, then this week I tried to finish the little things I had in sopeso and I must say that I enjoyed a world ... I promise you that just finished the last show you the result.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Left Leg Hurts When I Drink


Finally we still One moment of suspense .....
First I want to show you what you start and won the third prize:
is set for sewing and a bag portatorte or trays. The second prize

E 'Ginetta portamichetta the most likeable (I use it in the kitchen door as crackers, or portamerendine .... etc) always matched the set of sewing

And finally, the first prize

Also on a sewing kit with a funny bunny portanotes
And now the winners:

luck kissed Mirella
2 Award

luck kissed Miky

and finally

1 award

luck kissed Francesca del blog nel cuore dei sapori.
Grazie ancora a tutte per aver partecipato.

Dish Dvr External Hard Drive Hack

Per tutte voi.....

Nel prossimo post pubblicherò i premi con le rispettive vincintrici del mio blogcandy e come ben sapete si vorrebbe poter premiare tutti ma come si fa.... beh i miei premi erano soltanto 3!!! Pertanto ho pensato, visto che me lo hanno anche richiesto, a tutte le altre di lasciare questo tutorial in segno di gratitudine per avere partecipato al mio blogcandy spero di riuscire ad accontentare se non tutte almeno una gran parte.
(Click on the image and print on A4 paper)

Apoggia the pattern on the felt and fabric and drawit I did under each of a heart but you can choose what you want .

after having cut its parts applies to stitch (eye) on the felt inside the heart
leave a small opening to insert the cotton padding and then close everything.

Now overlay the outside with the inside and on the left side (where marked on pattern) insert a piece of tape

Sew the two sides together with the stitch and then fold in sides as photos.

Sew the sides with side invisible point (see photo)
On the outside on the left side applies the decorations of your choice and sew the other side of the ribbon on the outside as marked on the pattern

Here ported a sewing kit.

I hope I was clear enough, however, is more easy to do that I recommend you describe

expect to see yours.

Can Anyone Hack Your Broadband Dongle


Yesterday ended my subscription to blogcandy later tonight I'll tell you who you have kissed the chance! But first I wanted to thank you very much for being in so much to share in my blogcandy, I honestly did not expect it!

And also thank all those that have been added as my followers that I arrived at 200 Morena! Unfortunately these days I did not Internet and therefore are not able to switch between all of you, I ask you just a little 'patience and slowly coming to visit your blog too (also because I love meeting new people).

Now I go to prepare the cards to be extracted .... then proceed to extract Giulia!!

I recommend you do not miss the next post!