Rating: 4 / 5
Pro: Rome at night with illuminated monuments is enough?!?
Cons: Too many people ... too many people and especially rude

Quest'anno "mi ero promesso" di non andare in centro per la Notte Bianca (l'8 settembre 2007)...
Facendo una rapida panoramica sulle precedenti esperienze....mi è capitato di:
• fare la fila per quasi 2 ore al McDonald's di Via del Corso;
• camminare dalla fermata della Metro Linea A di Piazza di Spagna a quella di Cipro - Musei Vaticani, fino a scroccare un passaggio dai miei che erano da quelle parti, per colpa del black out che ha fatto collassare la metropolitana in tutta Roma...per chi non vive in questa città: sono 4 fermate di metro, e farle a notte fonda dopo aver camminato per ore non è proprio il massimo...
• metterci svariati minutes to ten meters in Via del Corso (she always !!!);
• crushed in the crowd feel like a piece of a giant human Tetris. •
have in front of me, I was sitting in the Metro right in front of him, a guy who almost caused a riot because he felt that one was laughing his head cabbage, with a few friends, a dozen yards down ... again I try to understand why ... if you have ideas you propose, eh!
I thought: "Come on, you can arrange something different!" ... but no! In the end, between good and bad, it is an event "rarely" happens once a year, always during this period. The trigger, to put it all, è stata la proposta di "giro in centro" avanzata da mio cugino!
E allora andiamo dai...

Il servizio di trasporti metropolitano, comunque, è stato esteso in via eccezionale a tutta la notte.
Bene...scendiamo a Flaminio (la fermata di Piazza del Popolo - Via del Corso) e andiamo verso lo stadio Flaminio, a vedere la partita Italia-Francia sul maxi-schermo lì intorno...e già una ventina di minuti di camminata ce li siamo fatti.

We sat down and saw this "beautiful" game ... then dinner of roast pork with the washer (which only had the pork and rosemary crust and a piece of ...) and immediately after, the way to the center ! So ...
Via del Corso connects most of the most beautiful places to visit during this event, so here we are!
Unfortunately, it is also full of scum ... and say that I do not think the City of Rome has done so successfully for the full protection of this beautiful road, I think that an increase in the number of buckets for garbage would have prevented the formation of a dunghill. The complicity of the Coca Cola here: in the middle of the road about ten girls gave the new Diet Coke cans, for promotional purposes. Now, I, I hold the care of my city, in the presence of overflowing bins do not even the miles to throw the empty can in the bucket ... but a lot of people do not think so, and the fact that it proved impossible to throw bottles , and various papers in a container of waste, it has only legitimized this act of barbarism, with the consequent slum that has been created ...
but passed ...
A passage to the English was a must ... and since there is a nearby McDonald's, you can do a pit-stop! Incredible, but despite the hour, about half past midnight (then still early for the standard of the people involved in the night), the line is not great and is quite smooth.

Then ... back to Via del Corso, you go to take a friend (obviously walk eh ...) and continue the tour. Piazza Venezia to the next destination!
Here is really the chaos! But you walk a little bit ... and going to the Coliseum, a huge tank, with musicians and acrobats are doing a fantastic touring show!
The Colosseum ... ... his "shadow" (though perhaps the term is more appropriate if used during daylight hours!) We rested for una decina di minuti le gambe. Poi ancora qualche giro lì intorno...un consiglio: non comprate alcun alimento dai carretti che si sono piazzati qui, visto che a Via del Corso ce ne sono di molto più economici, a parità di prodotto.

Però ora si può anche fare un salto al Pantheon, visto che ci siamo! Qui la gente non è moltissima, in relazione a tutti gli altri posti del centro storico, ma la maleducazione è più o meno la stessa: è difficile camminare sui sanpietrini (o "Cobblestone", as you prefer ...) if they are covered by the papers! And to say that the baskets were still here to fill ... we talk about four and a half at night now ... patience, as there are those who clean, no?!? (Sarcastic, not tolerant, eh ...)

synthetic grass, placed on a large square, welcomes all those who have come to the concert of absolute zero (since they do not despise, we went to see !)... The start is scheduled at 6, and the duo did not we have been waiting for a minute more ...
the end it was fine, they are funny and engaging enough, then we have not regretted that choice!
end at 7:15 ...
we move inevitably to the course: an unseemly spectacle, with the street full of cans, bottles, waste paper and various ... Thank goodness that refuse collection was already "come into play." However the result was predictable ... nothing serious after all: after a few hours the road will be back pretty shiny!
Now a stroll along Via Condotti, Piazza di Spagna ... ... Metro Station (blank) ... ... Cornelia cappuccino and croissants for everyone at the bar ... ... Battistini walk to the car park. .. HOUSE !!!!!!!!!!
now it's 9 o'clock in the morning! I commend the croissants for the whole family to Mom ... I think he can (me, not my mother, eh!) To resist until the evening without going to sleep ... but at 10 I'll jump on the bed and I sleep with a vengeance!
We want to close the report, which also made a certain time?!?
I advise to live at least once this event so special, if it has the possibility ... then you will have to decide whether to repeat the next year or stay at home sweet home!
Take care, who has been there tell me what do you think with a comment eh! And even those who have never been ... in short: all comments are welcome!
Thank you for your attention and hello to all! -Daniel-

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