Monday, June 14, 2010

Cuticle Pedicure Bleed

of happiness ...

una frase oggi mi segue/insegue/perseguita... è di un film visto ieri mentre piegavo panni per riposarmi e riprendermi da una impegnativa avventura di cui vi dirò:

"La felicità è la tristezza che fa le capriole"

è del film "
Giulia non esce la sera " con Mastrandrea e la Golino.... bella coppia, bel film introspettivo... beh... bell'uomo, fuori dagli stereotipi hollywoodiani... sinceramente però non saprei dire se mi mette tristezza and reflects my mood or whether the opposite is the downside that they seem ...
the phrase does not appear to be the director or author, but a tale of an author of Mozambique and perhaps that intrigues me even more.
You are in a period where I do not know whether to give a sponge to a present that does not satisfy me or do they resist tooth and nail for what you do not change from within I like ... but it is not easy.

Looking to the constructive side of the stroke of a pen, a project that has absorbed a lot of these days my energy is a wonderful project gas kicks, do you remember when almost a year ago
spoke fire on the Pisan hills? Well, there is a group of people (just the gas kicks) is not left with our hands (or keyboard) to complain about what happened, but has developed a reforestation project ( and already this seems like a great thing!) with a very experimental method in our latitudes ... basically it is going to sow seeds embedded in balls of clay, is a method that has produced a Japanese plant pathologist, Masanabu Fukuoka , which are not going to work in any way the earth (which is highly advisable especially where there was burning because the observations made over the years it seems that the forest can regenerate much faster if it is not "disturbed" as well) but to go to enrich the soil with a native vegetation and spontaneous .... In this case, especially going to replace the pine (which we wonder what we're doing on the Pisan hills :-)) with a broad-leaved vegetation less prone to fire (or less predisposed to a future match the wood).
That is, on the one hand we Fukuoka, which has developed a theory about the "don'ts" on the other we Panos, that it is a greek student in Fukuoka himself, who has pioneered this technique in burnt areas in Greece, where he had a fair result.
I do not want to dwell too much on the method, because this is not the place if you want some more information on the fire that involved us, agriculture and natural on the project can go see here , here and here and here and here , what struck me, said very frankly, is the fact that there are people who have come out of the box, going to propose something active and that involves a bit 'all the local people .. . pulled in by them in the first place, then a small number of hours from us (geographically close to gas) and other gas more ... us to make information locally and to find funds to do that (the seeds of woody plants cost!) we followed their tracks and we organized a big dinner (more than 150 people!) self-financing (these hardships that I mentioned initially).

E 'was a really great experience, first because so many people sit at table and eat them too well (and vegetarian!) Is not something every day, because the other joined in a single evening socializing, active participation, political participation, the leadership of individuals, local activism .... you can not wish more from an evening alone? are those experiences that make you think, because we all tend to always stop to brood about things that go on non-participation of the people on disaster ... hardly comes to mind something as simple as putting everyone at the table, but if there's one thing we all do, regardless of their political views, ideas, it is to eat .... a full belly and maybe we are more willing to listen to those who propose something so outside the box! :-)


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