Nel prossimo post pubblicherò i premi con le rispettive vincintrici del mio blogcandy e come ben sapete si vorrebbe poter premiare tutti ma come si fa.... beh i miei premi erano soltanto 3!!! Pertanto ho pensato, visto che me lo hanno anche richiesto, a tutte le altre di lasciare questo tutorial in segno di gratitudine per avere partecipato al mio blogcandy spero di riuscire ad accontentare se non tutte almeno una gran parte.

Apoggia the pattern on the felt and fabric and drawit I did under each of a heart but you can choose what you want .
after having cut its parts applies to stitch (eye) on the felt inside the heart
leave a small opening to insert the cotton padding and then close everything.
leave a small opening to insert the cotton padding and then close everything.

Now overlay the outside with the inside and on the left side (where marked on pattern) insert a piece of tape
Sew the two sides together with the stitch and then fold in sides as photos.

Sew the sides with side invisible point (see photo)
On the outside on the left side applies the decorations of your choice and sew the other side of the ribbon on the outside as marked on the pattern
Here ported a sewing kit.
I hope I was clear enough, however, is more easy to do that I recommend you describe
expect to see yours.
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