I do not know if you were coming harassed in elementary school with classes on food additives, such as avoiding , because they were evil and so on, or if my teacher was particularly enlightened .... but even if you were like me, I challenge anyone to remember those who were indicted!
(and then in the meantime the water has passed under the bridge ....)
I, of having allergies, I used to read the labels of what I buy, that A piece of meat, cheese or a frozen one, I read everything from top to bottom, and sometimes I drop an eye on the presence of additives (identified by E and a number 3 or, more rarely, 4 digits) ... the weirdest thing that happens to me is that by asking salespeople generally do not know what to answer, even if you find the representative of that firm specific, that there is paid by them to promote their products .... falls from the clouds!
Quindi, visto che non mi ricordo mai quali sono da evitare e quali no e, in ogni caso, mi rifiuto di mangiare cose piene di additivi visto che molti medici associano la nostra dieta (oltre all'inquinamento) all'insorgere di malattie autoimmuni (quindi tutto ciò che ha a che vedere con il sistema immunitario, dalle semplici intolleranze alle tiroiditi di hashimoto... passando da tutto il resto!), li evito tutti.
In realtà è più difficile da dirsi che da farsi, ma come al solito un primo periodo di "allenamento" è duro e necessario, perché inizialmente sembra tutto off-limits (!), poi, individuati i prodotti buoni ci abitueremo, al supermercato come altrove, a non vederli nemmeno i prodotti cattivi sugli scaffali!
Ma.... esiste un ma! Noi ingenui crediamo che esista il buono e il cattivo, il bianco e il nero.... e a volte ci scordiamo che così come nelle cose belle anche qui esiste un'ampia varietà di grigi che non ci dobbiamo scordare.... ovvero: anche nel biologico e nel biodinamico sono ammessi gli additivi!!!!
Tutt'altra cosa rispetto al convenzionale, ovvio, si parla di 50 additivi contro i circa 350 concessi nel convenzionale... e poi, a ben guardare, rimanendo tra i grigi ci sono additives are not harmful? and then, as we have to move?
Behold, I will stop here because I do not have answers, I will avoid it, tout court, but I often wondered if there was a way to choose more consciously ... and maybe if there were no natural additives that can be allowed!

Well ... how not to talk about? I personally have received an excerpt of the book and it seems very interesting and well structured, after an introduction on what are they, what are the permissible daily doses (ADI) and their usefulness, it follows an additive allowed in organic farming and Biodynamic, Regulation of the European community, then go see how to remove them from your diet or how to delete some specific and, finally, a nice guide on additives are analyzed one by one, indicating the license number, the common name (because otherwise it is given the name does not recognize them anymore!), the use made of it and the degree of toxicity, with a very understandable language, so read even for people like me! ;-)
What can I say more? The plow, which is published by editions and that you buy it online on their site, here .
Good reading e. .. good shopping!
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