as you may have read in these days Copenhagen summit on climate change is failing ... and then I can not fail to be published this appeal, which I invite you to subscribe to:
Tomorrow world leaders meet to launch unprecedented 60-hour trading. Experts say that without a huge wave of protest and public pressure, the summit will fail to halt the catastrophic increase in global temperature of 2 degrees.
Click below to sign the petition for a real deal in Copenhagen - the campaign has already attracted 11 million supporters - we do in the next 72 hours it becomes more impressive the petition in history! Each name will read it aloud at the summit - the signature in the link below!
A Avaaz team is gathering daily at the summit with negotiators who will also organize a spectacular delivery of petitions to world leaders when they arrive, building a giant wall with boxes of petitions and reading aloud the names of every person who signed the petition. Faced with the petition of the most impressive history, the leaders will have no doubt that the whole world is keeping an eye on them.
Millions of people watched TV yesterday in the wake at the summit organized by Avaaz Copenhagen, in which Archbishop Desmond Tutu told hundreds of delegates and children:
"march on Berlin and the wall fell.
"We marched to South Africa and apartheid fell.
" Now we march in Copenhagen - and we get a real deal. "
In Copenhagen we are looking for the biggest mandate in history to stop the most serious threats that humanity has ever faced. The next day I write the story. How our children will remember this historic moment? We tell them that we have done everything possible.
come hanno scritto sul sito dell'università di Copenhagen: HOPENHAGEN o NOPENHAGEN??
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