c i apologize ... we are all in hibernation!

between a commitment to another, between a ground and a ruin, in a pan and dish soap, a meeting between condominium and a meeting with a lawyer ... I got distracted for a moment and here we are at the end of January I have not posted anything!
but you can leave a blog like this?? There will be a law against the abandonment of blogs?
Rewind il nastro un attimo e facciamo il punto: ho interrotto le trasmissioni annunciando che la cucina stava traslocando su buste a sorpresa , lentamente, molto lentamente (!), ma sta effettivamente traslocando e lì rimarrà, pasticci e pasticcini rimane invece il mio rifugio, e anche di Gloria se lo vorrà, dove pubblicare tutto ciò che non è cucina, che va dall'autoproduzione, al co-housing, alla fotografia, le pappe per i gatti e tutto ciò che volendo ci verrà in mente di mettere qui, per ora siamo ancora in una fase di assestamento.
Nel frattempo è iniziato il nuovo anno (a proposito: good year !!!!), soon spring arrives and I no longer have the habit of writing here ...
billions of things have happened this month / month and a half of my absence from the virtual world, giving a quick and superficial glance I can say that: the project co-housing or eco-village or whatever you want to call going forward, with difficulty, but we try, it is not easy for many aspects: the motivation of the group that at times is lacking, with the plan that is not always obvious, the identification of areas of common interest, then the looking for a suitable land or a ruin or a farm to be divided ... is not a project that is realized in a short time ... but are strategic for some of us convinced that the project is so interesting that you can safely put into account also expect a few more months.
with the gas are turning many interesting projects, including some still being evaluated, from our participation in the day M'illumino less (remember? Caterpillar, radio two, every year organizes a day of awareness to the reduction in consumption), the organization of a series of meetings on self-produced, with a bakery on IZN (!) And then another round of meetings on green building, organic gardening, vegetable garden and orchard-.... obviously everything I always slip us, or, worse yet, they propose! so you understand my absence, right?
I finally broke the iceberg, I started to write ...
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