As often happens in Italy there is divided on everything. Confindustria League and are not intended to be a holiday on March 17, 2011 commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.
Posted by uber
Tags: unemployment, Italy, WORK
February 10, 2011, at 17
unit of Italy celebrate or not?
Di Ferdinando Camon
We are chaos: we do not know if the 150 th anniversary will be celebrated the unification of Italy, where businesses and schools will be closed, or only those companies, if the institutional authorities are all Rome, or those of the league will implement a boycott, as on its own has already announced the President of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. You dance in the state, the awareness of its role, its past, its future, its need for all. Our problem is not that "we are one state," how does the league with its leaders, first of Bossi and Calderoli, but that "we are one state recently, immature and incomplete." In Europe we have to do with the oldest Member, stronger, more efficient. And we lose the comparison. The solution to this handicap is not smashing the state, and return to many small states irrelevant and negligible. The solution is to make a state more complete, more definitive, more unified. A state that matters. So, yes or no to celebrate the 150th anniversary of our unity? Absolutely. That's right, we need it, makes us more people. Why are we the people if we have a state.
And how to celebrate this anniversary? Stopping the work or working? Reasoning. Work is to go to the factory for the workers and school students. There is no doubt that if the students go to school, and late morning, the last now, are brought into assembly hall to hear the speech of a professor of history explaining the significance of the event, understand the event better than by sitting at home. Conscience is formed by the student at school, not home. Better yet would be if that speech came from the Minister of Education, and the students listen to him all over Italy at the same time, each class in their classroom, via radio. This would have, even technically, a national unifying effect. I do not know if the current minister is able to write a speech task. But it can always have it write. The real problem is that right now in the majority ruling party that there is no è né favorevole né neutrale, ma fortemente contrario, non solo verso la celebrazione dell’Unità nazionale, ma verso il concetto stesso. Se il concetto vien ribadito dal parlamento nazionale, con l’invito ai rappresentanti delle istituzioni di presenziare a Roma, ci sono alti esponenti di questo partito che rifiutano e restano a casa. Si comportano da perfetti stranieri. Esattamente come il presidente della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, che non vuole avere rapporti con l’Italia, se non quando può lucrare sontuose elargizioni di denaro pubblico. Allora corre, vota e intasca. Se no, no. L’Italia è un piatto dove mangia e sul quale sputa in eurovisione. Uno Stato funzionante dovrebbe o non farlo mangiare or not to spit. And so the Northern League Presidents: hold senior positions in government means to be part of the state and do what you're wondering, if you do not want to celebrate the state waives that position and that salary. Of course, companies making a party more you miss a day of production, and Marcegaglia calculated for firms in a loss of EUR 4 billion. But it is a holiday celebrated every year for 150 years, is the first in 150 years. During the year there are a lot less relevant parties, we can eliminate some of those. But the truth is that anyone who does not want the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, do not really want the unification of Italy, and in fact with these elements are sabotaging to celebrate: here comes the 150th anniversary of unification, and Italy, instead of being more united, becomes crushed in it, and even before the world. Everything suggests that the party will be that day. But it is a party already ruined from now.
( fercamon@alice.it )
Paris Puglia
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