Le Donne...
Queste Donne Fanno paura a lui!

Non so se qualcuna/o di voi ha partecipato alla manifestazione odierna. Vi posso assicurare -e parlo di Torino- che in vita mia non ricordo (a parte la caduta del muro Berlinese, e al Cairo non ci sono stata in questi giorni ) una fiumana di questa portata! Già si sapeva che l'afflusso sarebbe stato elevato, ma questo oceano era veramente del tutto imprevedibile. Certo è che oggi mi sono resa conto di quanto sia enorme il popolo elettorale astensionista...
Nadia Redoglia da ÆNIGMATICA
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Giuditta day - Paride Puglia -L'Asino |
Lunedì 14 Febbraio 2011 11:39
di Nadia Redoglia
Il giro de mondo in 24 ore! L'oceano delle donne, dei loro figli e compagni, dall'Europa in 230 città italiane, Parigi, Grenoble, Lille, Lione, Strasburgo, Tolosa, Bruxelles, Londra, Madrid, Barcellona, Stoccolma, Atene, Amsterdam, Lisbona, Praga, Zurigo, Ginevra, Berlino, si è riversato a Tokyo, New York, Washington, Boston, Portland, Michigan e perfino in Bangladesh, Mozambico, Corea, Nepal, Hawaii, a Toronto, Seul, Giakarta, Katmandu, Maputo and now in Auckland, New Zealand ...
We were in Turin. From Porta Nuova, Via Roma, via Castello and Piazza San Carlo, via Po to Piazza Vittorio available with just the space of our body. An hour and a half to move to ten meters. Not a party symbol, only the hearts and minds. Waving white scarves and miles of colored yarns, woven in the sky above us. From the balconies clapped, chopped coriander, scattered giant soap bubbles, lids and ladles sang hymns, guitars, maracas, harmony, improvisation and chorus ditties ...
The "if not now, when" has been approved for all purposes: to go back no longer possible. In this sense it is not the delusional ramblings of an occupation before and after, the Sultan and his associates. And 'something else, if anything, that should be of concern to all nations of dissent. It seems hardly necessary to point out to the party political leaders who are opposed to trade, that the Italian ocean did not vote the sultan or his allies, but apparently did not vote even you! We fear greatly that the vast majority did not vote right, but in the past avendovi preferred or chose those others. Let
by your act of contrition, rather than do an act of faith-as the gift you have offered the sisters of Italy-that the "if not now when (?!)" now spends bursting to you. Trattacelo carefully and make good use! source: NUOVASOCIETA '
Mellana by NuovaSocietà |
Burqa bunga
Massimo Gramellini
I too will go down Sunday in protest against those who despise the body and soul of women. That is against the old blennies that boil down to trinkets. Against the careerists who use them as a product of corruption in the powerful. Against girls who sell themselves, peddling their greed for money and fame for freedom. Against parents willing to accept the humiliating idea that the flesh of his flesh become an instrument of career. Against those who think that there is a cross between a burqa and bunga bunga and instead there is: let's call bunga burqa, or dignity. Against advertisers who for thirty years filled breasts & butts the TV and the walls of our cities to promote products (telephones, jewelry, press the left) there is nothing to do with the underwear. Against so many ladies 'engaged' which have accepted this insult without protest. Against those responsible for television that have reduced the dress of the dancers in a dental floss, requiring slaughters the country aesthetic and vulgar. TV against the authors who have done the same thing, but arguing that it was a subtle form of irony, while there was only a slim skirt. Against anyone who considers a woman's body made public when it is a private good to be shown only to those who want, and intimacy. Against the newspapers and the sites 'serious' crowded butts & asses. And against those who complain about it, but meanwhile there are clicking.
After Sunday will go down in a little square 'even against myself
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Empera - The Donkey |
The women collected shakes the power
Torno hour from downtown invaded by the protests of women, with an impressive young component. And I know of people who for the first time in their lives participated in a demonstration. It 's a day to remember, is the confirmation that the issue of women and mocked long is the unspoken weakness of an Italian establishment even remotely aware of his reach. There will be time to reflect, even the infidel tomorrow night. I felt a strong emotion (and a bit 'of FIFA) has spoken to many people from the stage in Piazza Castello. No indeed, Minister Gelmini, we were not just "radical chic". Those who have offended the most intimate feelings and sense of dignity of Italian women, should take note of not being able to govern. But I feel that with this awareness will have to face an entire ruling class. It was about time!
Gad Lerner
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Mauro Patorno |
Vauro The cartoons of Vauro |
The Scream of Giannelli
Corriere della Sera

All the commentators try to deny the vast majority participation in the event yesterday. For those who
c'è stato ma, anche per chi l'ha semplicemente vista in tv, questo tentativo appare in effetti un po' patetico.
Però e, se i sondaggi che ne confermano la grande popolarità sono veri, Berlusconi, un po' come il grande Sordi ne "il Vedovo" potrebbe giustamente chiedersi: "chi spinge?.
Pubblicato da uber
Etichette: berlusconi, donne, politica *

E' stata proprio una bella manifestazione anche a Vicenza!
Marilena Nardi http://www.marilenanardi.it/
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alberto cane blog:
Se non ora quando? Ora. L'altra half the sky has invaded the streets of Italy Luke Woods:
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