ADSL is running again ... this is what your birthday girl! but as we did when there was ?????
well now need to take back his hand, to find the time and manner, to find the words, the dialogue stopped .... what better way than before a dolcetto? e se quel dolcetto poi venisse da una di voi e avesse dato luogo ad uno scambio di mail? beh, a me sembra un bel ricominciare, le altre ricette seguiranno... ma adesso: festeggiamo!!! E allora "bando alle ciance" come si dice da queste parti, stappiamo lo spumante e cominciamo con il dire che il dolcetto in questione altro non è che un cheesecake ma un po' rivisitato, perché le due persone in questione hanno qualche problemino con i latticini.... e se una persona è ovvio che sia io l'altra non è altro che Viz!
Un gran bel blog il suo, in cui sembra sempre di essere in vacanza per il bel clima che trasmette and, of course, why not live in Italy ... if you missed reading his run honest scrap and, in addition to understanding the character a little bit, you will also realize that you are not alone / e. .... :-)
But besides being nicely madcap (in the nicest sense of the word really, people crazy to me, since I first and foremost, like a lot!) I must say that are other qualities that affect from the start: the recipes never predictable, the quality of photos ... his stories .... in short, to me is like a blog, is a happy person who knows ... who knows that one day I can finally get on a plane for me to holiday in Portugal who yearns for a long time .... was not even halfway around the world!
ah, I forgot, this recipe is part of a more articulate Sunday brunch by Viz for contest Jul .... and for which I shamelessly cheer! (Do not blame him or the other / and, in fact I've only read her recipes .... but I should not say this!:-P)

The cheesecake Viz (x 2)
for the base:
6 biscuits (cookies I first Kamut morning to make green & bio), ca. 100 gr
a spoonful of goat butter, ca. 90 gr
for cream :
ca. 300 grams of goat cheese
a tablespoon of sugar cane
plenty of grated nutmeg
a tablespoon of poppy seeds
cocoa powder to decorate, or flakes dark chocolate
Divide this mixture into two pans of ceramic tile and press it until you get a basic uniform and smooth. The trick suggested by Viz works fine, ie: put a piece of parchment paper the size of the pan sull'impasto and then flatten with a glass until you get a nice smooth base. Put the base in the fridge.
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