Mi sembra di essere tornata a scuola, per la precisione alle elementari, quando on Monday the teacher made you do the task on what you did at the weekend .... or between the various possible titles was the theme of free ... a nightmare! want to know what I did once? archives is not cheating then: what did the free theme is the theme of free ... here's how, at the tender age of 8 years, the teacher will not care! a genius ... then of course the genius was lost ... I now remains only one neuron and 99.9% of the time on strike .... Neuronal Communist! (Which has to strike the reasons why ...)
So, instead I wanted to tell you that I was at the festival della creatività a Firenze, che finisce oggi, per curiosare un po' e, sopratutto, per vedere/ascoltare Stefano Benni che, con Umberto Petrin (pianista jazz) ha fatto una lettura dal titolo "Misterioso. Viaggio nel silenzio di Thelonious Monk"... una lettura difficile ma molto interessante, io con il mio neurone scioperato ho avuto qualche difficoltà, anche perché sto lottando contro la tendenza ad entrare in letargo tipica della stagione, per cui ho il tasto on/off che, a tradimento, ogni tanto si aziona e mi spengo senza rendermene conto.... ;-), ma a parte questo mi hanno colpito tre cose:
la prima, fare uno spettacolo su un periodo di silenzio di un artista (per chi non lo sapesse, come non lo sapevo io, TM negli ultimi 7 anni della sua vita si rinchiuse in una stanza, rifiutandosi di parlare/comunicare con altri, in assoluto silenzio, solo ogni tanto si sentivano note arrivare dal suo pianoforte, ma erano brevi momenti, niente più, come dice Benni alla fine del suo spettacolo/lettura: uno che suona così che bisogno ha di parlare?), ecco, questo mi ha colpita non poco, riempire di parole un vuoto, un vuoto che ha voluto essere tale... mi domando quanto sia giusto... senza con questo dare giudizi, sono sicura che Benni abbia valutato questo aspetto;
la seconda non c'entra proprio nulla con TM ma piuttosto con Benni, che a fine spettacolo gave us this poem, with which my neuron has woken up and allowed me to sganasciarmi with laughter (I swear that I do in this kind of shows where you ride, there's always someone who turns out the file look at me, sganasciandosi in turn to as a laugh! but never mind ... that maybe is not the case be proud of!), the poem in question was read out by a pianist and piano accompanied by Benni (wow!) , as Benni said you have to think that between a verse and the other to pass about 15 years of living together because, as he says, after 60/70 years of living together .... never mind what it says, here's the poem:
The little things
I Like About You
that your smile
a bit 'far
the slow movement of the hand
whom I stroked her hair
and say I want them too
so beautiful and I say, dear
are a bit 'crazy
and bed wake
with your next breath
and bedside
the evening paper
your coffee
singing in the kitchen
the smell of pipe smoke that
the morning
the Your scent
a bit 'blasé
your funny vests
the little things
I Like About You
That your smile
the continuous hand gesture
you touch me with your hair
and repeat: I would like them too
so beautiful and I say, dear
me you said
and in bed Wake
feeling your breath
a bit 'breathless
and bedside
your coffee
that whistles in the kitchen
'smell of pipe
also the morning
your scent
a bit 'old-fashioned
the little things
I Like About You
That your smile Boeotian
mania idiot
to pull my hair
and say I want them too
so beautiful and I say stupid,
bought a hairpiece!
And stay awake in bed and feel
and bedside
un tuo calzino
e la tua caffettiera
che é esplosa
finalmente, in cucina!
La pipa che impesta
fin dalla mattina
il tuo profumo
di scimpanzé
quell'orrendo gilet
le piccole cose
che amo di te.
and finally the third, which has nothing to do with Benni and even with TM, but something to do with this blog: the wall system for the kitchen, an innovation that ... NO MORE 'NO! ;-)

You are not too impressed with you / and? you are not already thinking that when you move or redo your kitchen sure you put these tiles? no, because if it did we make a collective call to the neuro .... maybe there are group discounts! :-D
Apart from anything else in the section devoted to the kitchen (deGustiBooks), there are many interesting cookbooks, as well as several wineries that offer courses to present their wines for tasting, sensory experiences ... and then a variety of banquets and restaurants that stand out.
We only hope is a unique and unrepeatable event ... because there were many interesting things and it would be nice to find these and other similar initiatives in other parties or even there next year!
About Benni has released his latest book, " Bread and storm "!
and always about books, here talking about" The School of Essential Ingredients "by Erica Bauermeister!
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