Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Asked By Marian Zetta

arrived autumn

è arrivato (finalmente) l'autunno, è arrivato il primo freddo, i campi arati, le foglie morte, le sciarpe e i cappelli, i primi raffreddori, i gatti coccoloni, il risveglio della pasta madre (sìììì!!!!), le torte salate, i biscotti, le gite domenicali al mare a catturare un ultimo raggio di sole, le fredde serate al cinema, le serate al calduccio intorno a un tavolo con gli amici...

per me l'autunno è tutto questo.... e siccome l'autunno mi fa pensare a queste due mie vecchie foto ve le pubblico con il testo di una delle canzoni francofone più belle che io conosca, per me cantata da Juliette Gréco:

lyrics Jacques Prevert

Oh, I so want you to remember
happy days when we were friends
at that time where life was more beautiful,
and the sun brighter than today
leaves are collected with the shovel
You see I did not Forgot ...

The dead leaves gather on the rake,
memories and regrets also
and the north wind carries them
in the cold night of oblivion .
You see I have not forgotten
the song you sang to me.

is a song that resembles us
you, you loved me and I loved
and we lived both together
you who loved me, I who loved you
But life separates those who love
quietly, without make noise
and the sea erases on the sand
the footsteps of separated lovers.

(The dead leaves gather on the rake,
memories and regrets also
but my silent love and faithful
always smiles and thank life
I loved you so much, you were so pretty,
how do you think I ' forget?
in those days were more beautiful life,
and the sun brighter than today
you were my sweetest friend
but I do regret that
and the song you sang to me
toujours, toujours je the entendrai!)


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