Friday, October 30, 2009

Best Way To Clean A Antuzzi Leather Sofa

it's raining cats and dogs

no, in realtà oggi non rains, in fact, the weather remains good for several days now, but in general animal raining here!
as I had already told here but here in this area happen to us every now and then abandoned animals ... I think they understood that there is always someone who picks them up and take advantage of ... last of these Gilda, who, almost at the same time a turtle, arrived in the rain a little more a month ago ...
in the meantime, we searched far and wide in the home but apparently was not destiny, and so, despite the neighborhood, despite what we complicate life considerably, Gilda has remained with us and now ... that must one do ??... there is!
obviously there is nothing left to do but find another home, because here the situation is unmanageable ... but that's another story.

here are the beasts:

Selva, the first- cat (in all senses), and despotic character, from the top of the fridge (and yes the photo is not wrong and the fridge to be rounded!), check what is the latest arrival, ready to make her understand that it is not welcome .... but sooner or later will pass! indeed, it is actually already going!

Pistone, the sweetest cat we have, after some days of jealousy realized that no one overlook, so now plays with Gilda and chasing far and wide .....

e infine Gilda, che ha finalmente conquistato il letto e, come si può notare, non ha assolutamente intenzione di mollarlo!

Questo per dirvi che sono diventati 3... che continuo malgrado questo a cucinare per loro (malgrado qualche momento di disperazione in cui non ne potevo più... perché in 3 le pappe finiscono alla velocità della luce) e che, come si può vedere, stanno tutti benone.... visto che ogni tanto qualcuno/a me lo chiede.

read about and things that have nothing to do with the kitchen, look here ... is spectacular

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Does My Mouth And Throat Look Like?


not I told you lately that it was in the Marches, to be exact, a couple of weeks ago. We were in the area of \u200b\u200bCamerino, home to the University, only to see it, that immediately comes to mind .... Well, me and the other half we decided that we will do in the next life at the University of Camerino, perhaps to decide now we are sure to re-meet!
What struck us: we ate very well, mushrooms, truffles, the famous ciauscolo (a spreadable salami ....), the fresh pecorino cheese, goat cheese seasoned, grilled trout with truffle (!!!), drunk as well and here the list is long: from Rosso Conero to Lacrima di Morro d'Alba , from Rosso Piceno, the Vernaccia di Serrapetrona , Verdicchio dei Castelli Jesi and to Matelica .... and why leave out the localissimo Mistrà then? today known as Varnelli , an anise liqueur, wanting very similar to Pastis and it is consumed in the same way (pure, diluted in water or in cocktails ...), but especially in the Marches, unlike Tuscany, the countryside is very urbanized, so there are these endless landscapes with some cottage here and there, and not full of roads, expressways, highways, towns and cities .... are cultivated fields, but very little anthropo-smothered ... I coined this term and the time for which it is not clear just ask.
Finally, cities, countries, are very beautiful, often kept medieval town centers, and very tortuous, with poor access to the machines ....
well ... I do not think there's much more to add, I think there are beautiful areas and the Marche, Umbria and Tuscany represent an extraordinary example, the Marches have perhaps an advantage, but I do not know how long, are still little tourist that are still very little free-range and counterfeiting.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Period Is Late White Stringy Discharge

post cabbage: pumpkin Sigrid

Today is an important day ... indeed, that most important: to write a date on the calendar ... now it will be available " the book of cabbage " Sigrid! (See also here )
and then as a great wish good luck if you do not publishing a recipe for cabbage (ha) or? So here is the proposal to will which we are publishing, across a recipe that somehow the concerns as unfounded for many / and this is only our thanks to you that we have discovered the world blogs, but also that cooking is fun, passion, research, creativity .... and then here I am, with my recipe taken verbatim from his blog and reproduced in the night (just now comes steaming from the oven, from which the little care in the presentation, but it's really good !!!!):

honey roasted pumpkin (with polenta)

1.3 kg Pumpkin
700 gr potato
10 shallots
4 cloves of garlic
2 sprigs of rosemary
10-15 sage leaves
4 bay leaves
2 ctav honey (chestnut I)
ctav of 3 Oil
1 lemon

Clean pumpkin, without removing the skin, cut into small pieces (apparently a trick to it always be good and sweet is to remove all the existing internal part filamentous, without fear) and put in a pan. Wash the potatoes and cut into pieces, even those without peeling them (if they are just bio clean with a brush).
Peel the shallots and cut into chunks, then put the garlic its peel and herbs.
In a small bowl, mix together the honey, oil, salt and lemon juice, then spread this sauce over the vegetables and bake at 220-230 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

The original plate is expected that these are accompanied by a gorgonzola polenta, definitely good choice ... But I can not eat gorgonzola cheese puzzolentissimo would opt for a goat!
Have no fear: the skin of the cooked pumpkin is great!

SIGRID GOOD LUCK! and thanks for these wonderful gifts to us every day ;-)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Abigail Serwaa Nsoatre

kitchen?? what are we talking about?

I know, I'm not posting anything that is related in some way to the kitchen, it's true, but billions of things I would have to be published ... are also able to produce its own tofu not from soy milk, soy, but the yellow! I baked bread in the show, I finally found the dough (which, combined, is the nephew of mine) that I'm a new bakery with great pleasure and experimenting with new recipes, new ways of making bread .... "Stealing" from IZN information and inspiration (it is a myth .. that makes us want ?!?), or glory any ideas on ingredients add (now the bread with dried apricots and walnuts) ... this woman drives me crazy, let me tell you, and I also have the good fortune of being in its own gas and to run a blog with her, so we often see and organize together on baking days, courses natural cooking, sweet days on, on self of seitan, tofu .... think of open sites, in other words those who stop us??

but in all that I can, either: a) delete the photos on the production of tofu without first saving them from any part, b) do not find time to post an intelligent post, well, given my ability to ultimately be enough ... not too stupid, c) did not find anything interesting of all the recipes stored, often because they are now out of season d) thousands, thousands of other stimuli that distract me from what I should write, e) be willing to talk about something else ....
and this time something different is not a video, although I would have one that amuses me a world to show you ... but it will be the subject of another post insane, now atteniamoci the theme of this .... image is always instill.
" La Repubblica" newspaper know that weather information was a newspaper that did? here, that I often read it online, not because they are necessary for the survival of information genere umano (che tanto quello... ho deciso che la salvezza è la sua estinzione!), ma perché ogni tanto ha dei link particolarmente interessanti... e questo è il caso.
L'altro giorno ho trovato le foto che trovate in questo post, sono una più bella dell'altra... se avete tempo e voglia andate a vedere le altre qui , meritano davvero!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Asked By Marian Zetta

arrived autumn

è arrivato (finalmente) l'autunno, è arrivato il primo freddo, i campi arati, le foglie morte, le sciarpe e i cappelli, i primi raffreddori, i gatti coccoloni, il risveglio della pasta madre (sìììì!!!!), le torte salate, i biscotti, le gite domenicali al mare a catturare un ultimo raggio di sole, le fredde serate al cinema, le serate al calduccio intorno a un tavolo con gli amici...

per me l'autunno è tutto questo.... e siccome l'autunno mi fa pensare a queste due mie vecchie foto ve le pubblico con il testo di una delle canzoni francofone più belle che io conosca, per me cantata da Juliette Gréco:

lyrics Jacques Prevert

Oh, I so want you to remember
happy days when we were friends
at that time where life was more beautiful,
and the sun brighter than today
leaves are collected with the shovel
You see I did not Forgot ...

The dead leaves gather on the rake,
memories and regrets also
and the north wind carries them
in the cold night of oblivion .
You see I have not forgotten
the song you sang to me.

is a song that resembles us
you, you loved me and I loved
and we lived both together
you who loved me, I who loved you
But life separates those who love
quietly, without make noise
and the sea erases on the sand
the footsteps of separated lovers.

(The dead leaves gather on the rake,
memories and regrets also
but my silent love and faithful
always smiles and thank life
I loved you so much, you were so pretty,
how do you think I ' forget?
in those days were more beautiful life,
and the sun brighter than today
you were my sweetest friend
but I do regret that
and the song you sang to me
toujours, toujours je the entendrai!)

Is It Okay To Wear A Maxi Dress To School

want to share

there's this video that made me discover a few days ago, that I find beautiful sweet ....

I wanted to share it with you ....
and then, because you're there, if you have tempo guardate anche questo:

ho finalmente imparato ad inserire i video nei post!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Meps Physical With Weed In Your System

festival of creativity - Florence

(sottotitolo: sperando Nina si sia svegliata in tempo)

Mi sembra di essere tornata a scuola, per la precisione alle elementari, quando on Monday the teacher made you do the task on what you did at the weekend .... or between the various possible titles was the theme of free ... a nightmare! want to know what I did once? archives is not cheating then: what did the free theme is the theme of free ... here's how, at the tender age of 8 years, the teacher will not care! a genius ... then of course the genius was lost ... I now remains only one neuron and 99.9% of the time on strike .... Neuronal Communist! (Which has to strike the reasons why ...)

So, instead I wanted to tell you that I was at the festival della creatività a Firenze, che finisce oggi, per curiosare un po' e, sopratutto, per vedere/ascoltare Stefano Benni che, con Umberto Petrin (pianista jazz) ha fatto una lettura dal titolo "Misterioso. Viaggio nel silenzio di Thelonious Monk"... una lettura difficile ma molto interessante, io con il mio neurone scioperato ho avuto qualche difficoltà, anche perché sto lottando contro la tendenza ad entrare in letargo tipica della stagione, per cui ho il tasto on/off che, a tradimento, ogni tanto si aziona e mi spengo senza rendermene conto.... ;-), ma a parte questo mi hanno colpito tre cose:
la prima, fare uno spettacolo su un periodo di silenzio di un artista (per chi non lo sapesse, come non lo sapevo io, TM negli ultimi 7 anni della sua vita si rinchiuse in una stanza, rifiutandosi di parlare/comunicare con altri, in assoluto silenzio, solo ogni tanto si sentivano note arrivare dal suo pianoforte, ma erano brevi momenti, niente più, come dice Benni alla fine del suo spettacolo/lettura: uno che suona così che bisogno ha di parlare?), ecco, questo mi ha colpita non poco, riempire di parole un vuoto, un vuoto che ha voluto essere tale... mi domando quanto sia giusto... senza con questo dare giudizi, sono sicura che Benni abbia valutato questo aspetto;
la seconda non c'entra proprio nulla con TM ma piuttosto con Benni, che a fine spettacolo gave us this poem, with which my neuron has woken up and allowed me to sganasciarmi with laughter (I swear that I do in this kind of shows where you ride, there's always someone who turns out the file look at me, sganasciandosi in turn to as a laugh! but never mind ... that maybe is not the case be proud of!), the poem in question was read out by a pianist and piano accompanied by Benni (wow!) , as Benni said you have to think that between a verse and the other to pass about 15 years of living together because, as he says, after 60/70 years of living together .... never mind what it says, here's the poem:

The little things
I Like About You
that your smile
a bit 'far
the slow movement of the hand
whom I stroked her hair
and say I want them too
so beautiful and I say, dear
are a bit 'crazy
and bed wake
with your next breath
and bedside
the evening paper
your coffee
singing in the kitchen
the smell of pipe smoke that
the morning
the Your scent
a bit 'blasé
your funny vests
the little things
I Like About You

That your smile
the continuous hand gesture
you touch me with your hair
and repeat: I would like them too
so beautiful and I say, dear
me you said
and in bed Wake
feeling your breath
a bit 'breathless
and bedside
your coffee
that whistles in the kitchen
'smell of pipe
also the morning
your scent
a bit 'old-fashioned
the little things
I Like About You

That your smile Boeotian
mania idiot
to pull my hair
and say I want them too
so beautiful and I say stupid,
bought a hairpiece!
And stay awake in bed and feel
and bedside
un tuo calzino
e la tua caffettiera
che é esplosa
finalmente, in cucina!
La pipa che impesta
fin dalla mattina
il tuo profumo
di scimpanzé
quell'orrendo gilet
le piccole cose
che amo di te.

and finally the third, which has nothing to do with Benni and even with TM, but something to do with this blog: the wall system for the kitchen, an innovation that ... NO MORE 'NO! ;-)

You are not too impressed with you / and? you are not already thinking that when you move or redo your kitchen sure you put these tiles? no, because if it did we make a collective call to the neuro .... maybe there are group discounts! :-D

Apart from anything else in the section devoted to the kitchen (deGustiBooks), there are many interesting cookbooks, as well as several wineries that offer courses to present their wines for tasting, sensory experiences ... and then a variety of banquets and restaurants that stand out.
We only hope is a unique and unrepeatable event ... because there were many interesting things and it would be nice to find these and other similar initiatives in other parties or even there next year!

About Benni has released his latest book, " Bread and storm "!
and always about books, here talking about" The School of Essential Ingredients "by Erica Bauermeister!

Epson Sault Cause Pimples


ADSL is running again ... this is what your birthday girl! but as we did when there was ?????
well now need to take back his hand, to find the time and manner, to find the words, the dialogue stopped .... what better way than before a dolcetto? e se quel dolcetto poi venisse da una di voi e avesse dato luogo ad uno scambio di mail? beh, a me sembra un bel ricominciare, le altre ricette seguiranno... ma adesso: festeggiamo!!!
E allora "bando alle ciance" come si dice da queste parti, stappiamo lo spumante e cominciamo con il dire che il dolcetto in questione altro non è che un cheesecake ma un po' rivisitato, perché le due persone in questione hanno qualche problemino con i latticini.... e se una persona è ovvio che sia io l'altra non è altro che Viz!
Un gran bel blog il suo, in cui sembra sempre di essere in vacanza per il bel clima che trasmette and, of course, why not live in Italy ... if you missed reading his run honest scrap and, in addition to understanding the character a little bit, you will also realize that you are not alone / e. .... :-)
But besides being nicely madcap (in the nicest sense of the word really, people crazy to me, since I first and foremost, like a lot!) I must say that are other qualities that affect from the start: the recipes never predictable, the quality of photos ... his stories .... in short, to me is like a blog, is a happy person who knows ... who knows that one day I can finally get on a plane for me to holiday in Portugal who yearns for a long time .... was not even halfway around the world!
ah, I forgot, this recipe is part of a more articulate Sunday brunch by Viz for contest Jul .... and for which I shamelessly cheer! (Do not blame him or the other / and, in fact I've only read her recipes .... but I should not say this!:-P)

The cheesecake Viz (x 2)

for the base:
6 biscuits (cookies I first Kamut morning to make green & bio), ca. 100 gr
a spoonful of goat butter, ca. 90 gr

for cream :
ca. 300 grams of goat cheese
a tablespoon of sugar cane
plenty of grated nutmeg
a tablespoon of poppy seeds
cocoa powder to decorate, or flakes dark chocolate

the robot crush biscuits finely, then add the butter and mix everything well together to form the base.

Divide this mixture into two pans of ceramic tile and press it until you get a basic uniform and smooth. The trick suggested by Viz works fine, ie: put a piece of parchment paper the size of the pan sull'impasto and then flatten with a glass until you get a nice smooth base. Put the base in the fridge.

Meanwhile work ricotta with the sugar to mix well together and not have any lumps, then add nutmeg and poppy seeds.

Divide the creamy sauce and spread on the two bases, put in refrigerator for at least an hour.
Serve with a dusting of cocoa or dark chocolate curls.

recipe that lends itself to many variations ... let their imagination to think of cranberries, with cinnamon and pine nuts ... in short, is there to sbizzarrircisi!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kateplayground Masterbates


... TELECOM ITALY AND THE NUMBER REQUIRED BY YOU 'TO TEMPORARILY turned off or unreachable ... Please try again later tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tuuuuuuuu ....

:-( Telecom has kindly removed my ADSL line ... not for delinquency, but for a fault not caused by what one knows, so I'm OUT! Is more than a week that I have online and I can not get out of this situation .... I'm writing from work just to say that there are, but I can not post anything ... I hope that reconnecting as soon as possible! in the meantime, we salute you all / and!