Rating: 5 / 5
Pro: I fainted in the chair of the cinema as I laughed!
Cons: in my opinion, not very suitable for families ...

Today I want to talk a bit 'of the movie I saw last night at the cinema: "The Heartbreak Kid."
begin by saying that I went a bit 'blind: I had neither seen the trailer, nor let alone read the story ... "But there's Ben Stiller, a guarantee in terms of laughs, so there may be a flop ..." I thought.

But I was wrong ... no joke! And of course I was right!
Let's take a look first to cast and "technical" of the movie ...
TITLE: "The Heartbreak Kid" ("The Heartbreak Kid")
DIRECTOR: Peter and Bobby Farrelly
CAST: Ben Stiller, Michelle Monaghan, Malin Akerman, Jerry Stiller, Carlos Mencia, Rob Corddry, Danny McBride
DURATION: 1 hour and 55 minutes
GENRE: Romantic Comedy
Already from the poster, you can read the filmmakers are the same as "Something About Mary", and in most other titles in the genre of "Shallow Hal" and "Me, Myself and Irene" .
If in addition we put Ben Stiller ("Meet the Parents," "Meet the Fockers?", "Along Came Polly," "A Night at the Museum", ...), that is, inter alia, My favorite actor ... the laughs are guaranteed!

The events take place at the turn of the United States and Mexico, in the popular holiday resort of Cabo.
Eddie (Ben Stiller), single and unmarried, decided after only six weeks to marry his girlfriend, Lila (Malin Akerman), a little 'to his will, a little' because it is located, in a sense, "no choice".
But married life, from the first day, you realize that maybe his choice was a bit 'rushed: During their honeymoon in Cabo, Lila reveals flawed and certainly incompatible with Eddie.

it happens, just as Ben / Eddie is rediscovering its neo-wife, his path crosses that of Miranda (Michelle Monaghan), and singles on holiday at the same resort with her family, who will take all more and more the appearance of the perfect woman for our "hero."
Greatest interpretation Ben Stiller, a little role in the classic 'nerd, but always nice to the public

The two actresses, Akerman and Monaghan, are revealed to the occasion. Fabulous
Jerry Stiller (Doc, Ben's father in the movie and real life), Rob Corddry (in the role of Mac's best friend Eddie) and Carlos Mencia (manager of the resort of Cabo). All roles in balance, but they do die laughing ... Serio
the character of Danny McBride, who plays Martin, suspicious and possessive of his cousin Miranda.
The film is funny, I laugh so hard at the cinema. Sometimes a pochino spinto, ma mai troppo volgare.

Molto positivo il fatto che la trama sia tutt'altro che scontata...allo stesso titolo, "Lo Spaccacuori", si riuscirà a dare un perchè solo negli ultimi fotogrammi del film.
Tra parentesi...i posti visitati sono molto belli ed esotici. Favolosi il villaggio turistico e la sua spiaggia.
Facendo un attimino il punto della situazione: cast eccezionale, ottima regia, trama originale e mai scontata, risate assicurate dal primo all'ultimo minuto del film, sceneggiature piacevoli...ancora siete davanti al computer?!? Ma correte al cinema!!!!!
p.s.: vi allego una serie di locandine originali del film ed il trailer italiano...

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