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Pro: già l'autore è una garanzia...
Contro: nessuno!
Il volume "Reportage di Viaggio" appartiene ad una collana, "Corso di Fotografia", di National Geographic.
L'autore è Robert Caputo, uno dei più famosi e bravi fotografi che collaborano con la National Geographic. A giudicare da questo libro, non è brillante solo nel campo della fotografia: la lettura è, infatti, piacevole, mai pensante, molto scorrevole...di sicuro anche un ottimo scrittore dunque.
Il libro è suddiviso in vari capitoli, eleven to be exact. Let's see them soon ...
1 • "Introduction" sets out in broad terms what information and advice you will find later in the book.
2 • "Bring home the spirit of place": it contains advice on the period before departure, with the various research to be done to not be too embarrassed in the country of destination, and how to capture the very essence of place, with particular reference to its inhabitants, and avoid coming home with the classic photo "postcard" (original word for nothing).
3 • "The right equipment" means the chapter is primarily concerned with all those cameras reflex, with various lenses, flash, filters and other equipment. Try to bring clarity on what is best and what to leave at home, depending on the type trip, so as to avoid going around overloaded, but also to say "if only I had brought that goal ...".
Useful advice for owners of digital cameras: Caputo for some tips on how to store pictures taken during the trip.
4 • "Composition" section very nice, a bit 'more technical precedents, as it sets out some basic rules (rule of thirds, guidelines, field angles, etc.) that, for the same subject, make the difference between "a picture" and "a very good picture." All in a simple and elementary.
5 • "Technical issues": the various little paragraph contained within it "light up" novice photographers, this chapter talks about the right choice of lens, the ISO most appropriate depending on the situation, and color rendering exposure times. Finally, in a few short pages describe the most convenient methods to protect the equipment.
6 • "Light" very useful and concise. Exposes the problems that occur with certain types of light (neon ...!) and I hate the way you try to get around, how to give effect to light the original photos with different exposure times, the various openings, to flash, ... or how to make them more realistic, even with fill flash or changing the "parameters" listed above.
7 • "The weather" would define "deep" ... is the chapter that teaches how to exploit in its favor the weather (especially rain, snow and fog) to give a much greater emotional impact to your photos.
And since it is the weather to mark the seasons, why do not you explain how to convey the essence of the same?!? A paragraph is devoted to this.
8 • "Dawn, dusk and night": really useful. Talk of sunlight at different times of day. It teaches us to turn in your favor, depending on which shooting is to be done. It is quite natural that the author insists on the three "parts" of the day, as light is better for taking photos (warmer colors and realistic shadows longer, ...), rather than the period 12:00 - 14:00, making it much less in almost all situations (I give myself the benefit of the doubt!). Following this advice, the results will be much better with any camera, whether it be a "disposable" or a "loan-to-bank."
9 • "Landscapes, cities and people" if many pages of the book are devoted to time (Chronological and pollution), would not be fair to neglect the space around us and people that characterize the latter. Hence the title of the chapter, of course ...
Photographing a city is different to photograph a landscape, the same applies to a monument than a person, family member or a stranger, a human or an animal, an internal or external environment, ...
Even the section entitled "Luna Park, zoo and other" ... very original and useful for finding new poses.
10 • "Travel details": photographic equipment and techniques to use depending on the seats ("inhospitable", in this case) that you chose to visit. A cave, a mountain, the sea (see from "inside" but not from the shore!), ... there is something for everyone.
11 • "Coming home": how to clean objectives, camera bodies and various accessories, development of films and the best way to preserve the negatives, how to organize and burn your digital photos.
Finally, a convenient index.
The book is fabulous, since I read my style has improved a lot. It looks very good: a soft cover but strong, attractive, as well as the pages, among other things shiny and plastic (I consider essential to such books ... imagine if it were made into paper "yellowish" ... brrrr !).
photos in "travel report" are magnificent, and they really understand what a picture can be improved by following the advice of the author.
The book is not great (rightly): 160 pages. The price is 18 € ... maybe not exactly cheap, but it is finished, the colors of the pages did not go to savings, the author is not the newest, as well as the publishing house. I think it is worth them all. Incidentally, on
I saw to 14 €, as well as the other volumes in the series.
I looked to the other volumes of the series ... very beautiful and interesting.
Ten days ago, at a price of 23 € (but we are talking about 400 pages), I bought the new book "Complete Guide to Photography", also from National Geographic. This is also a book for everyone, amateurs and professionals.
conclusion, I can only recommend this book to all, including in "all" anyone who picks up a camera at least once a year.
Thanks for reading and hello to everyone!
ps: the pictures published in this report are taken from the official site of the great Robert Caputo.
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