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rating: 5 / 5
Pro: easy to use, despite a multitude of adjustable parameters; Leica
Cons: goal, though excellent, are not interchangeable
"entered" into the world of photography digital about five years ago when I bought an HP 2.1 megapixel camera, which really does look today tenderness (but is still working after all ...). Fascinated by the qualities of this kind of photography (but always keeping in mind all its faults), I decided to continue on this path by buying other more advanced cameras (a Nikon and Sony a little out of the market, of which maybe I will make a brief review), but always automatic.
Sooner or later comes to all the fans, even if amateur, the time to make a quantum leap and move to other more advanced equipment: Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ30 is, in my opinion, a better link between the world auto and manual. You can tell immediately that this product was discontinued, but if you're interested, and you happen just used a little thought I would do it there (not of course speak with professionals in the trade).
In short, we open the box?!?
Besides the camera, a strap around his neck, a Secure Digital memory card 128 MB, a battery, a charger, a cable audio / video and a USB connection, a CD-Rom drive with the classics and the like, a lens cap, a sunshade for the lens and an instruction manual (paper).

The budget includes short, everything you need to start using the camera immediately.
Taking a quick overview: The battery lasts very good, different USB cables and A / V connect by opening a flap on the side of the camera, without any difficulty, the strap is very comfortable, the sun really useful instruction book simple but complete. Not really "sore", rather "small sins": the camera has no internal memory, without a ticket will be an expensive and SD technology paperweight. The 128 MB card included in the box may be fine for a day trip, but then having to limit the bad shots with the thought of memory ... I believe that buyers of a similar product, the photographers' amateur-advanced ", they want to experiment with new poses, different ways to adjust the various parameters and so on, then in one day could take hundreds of photos (I say this because it is what I do, but maybe I'm wrong). My advice is to buy a 1GB card, so go fear and paranoia!
Now we are ready to use the camera! The lighting is very fast, excellent if you have to really shoot a subject "on the fly."
The case (ie the structure, the "body" of the camera) is solid and normal size. You will find very useful the LCD display is very bright with good contrast and with a peculiarity: it is set at rest the camera on one side only, so it's swivel and tilt, very convenient for taking pictures in the midst of many people, just as an example. The size is normal, 2.
Of course, personally I prefer to take pictures with the viewfinder (which is also digital and high-quality), but on some occasions it is not the best choice (in relation to the characteristics of "furniture" of the display, for no other reason).
The modes are many, but can be divided into three categories:
AUTOMATIC: portrait, sports, food, scenery, night portrait, night scenery, children, soft skin, candlelight, party, fireworks, snow, starry sky & views.
I do not stop to explain the details of each of these "SCENE" of course!
Then there is the automatic mode to the "pure" without basic parameter set for a particular scene.
Obviously, the options available in this mode are the minimum: size, size, quality.
In this first category, I put even a slightly more advanced automatic mode: Program Auto Exposure, che è simile all'automatica ma, a differenza di quest'ultima, offre molte più opzioni, quali Bilanciamento Bianco, Sensibilità Pellicola, varie modalità di AutoFocus, Effetti di Colore, etc.
SEMI-AUTOMATICA: due modalità in questa seconda categoria, e cioè Priorità di Apertura e Priorità di Diaframma. La prima permette, appunto, di gestire manualmente l'apertura, mentre la velocità dell'otturatore sarà regolata di conseguenza automaticamente; la seconda viceversa. Le opzioni sono, in entrambi i casi, le stesse del Programma di Esposizione Automatica.
MANUALE: nulla da dire... naturalmente sia apertura che velocità dell'otturatore dovranno essere impostate a mano. The internal computer helps in the task, pointing to a bar as a photographer you are deviating from the optimum level of exposure (be careful, because optimal is a very vague concept in photography).
(of course the Panasonic also does video, and to be honest they are also of good quality and very fluid)
In all modes, including manual mode, you can choose whether to use auto focus, auto-macro or manual.
Flash is one of those who come out to shoot, but you can buy a more powerful, to be applied over the body, as in SLR cameras.
The Leica lens is a guarantee ... in short, is not interchangeable but you can buy the components (the additional lenses, so to speak ...) to be applied to it, so as to obtain a more powerful telephoto or wide angle. WARNING: Do not think that changing objective lenses and add a fixed lens are the same: increasing the number of lenses, the picture may be less sharp and less bright (this is not me talking, it is natural). However, I do not think that you need so much, because this lens is a 35-420 mm equivalent, and a photographer which serves a different purpose is unlikely to be a lover of my level ...
Let's talk about 'the most important technical features:
The sensor is a CCD 8,32 Megapixel;
l'OBIETTIVO un 35-420 mm, con zoom ottico 12x alla massima risoluzione (a risoluzioni minori aumenta, grazie ad un semplice ma intelligente escamotage) e zoom digitale 4x (no comment, visto che considero lo zoom digitale un abominio...);
le FOTO possono essere fatte in vari formati (4:3, 3:2, 16:9) e differenti risoluzioni (1, 2, 3, 5 e 8 Megapixel), oltre che estensioni (TIFF, RAW e due qualità di JPEG, una a bassa ed una a più alta compressione, quindi di qualità inferiore);
i VIDEO in diverse risoluzioni (320x240 e 640x480 VGA) e fino a 30 fps (fotogrammi al secondo), in formato QuickTime e senza limiti di tempo (quindi la durata massima dipende dalla memoria disponibile);
l'APERTURA va da F2,8 a F11, la VELOCITA' di chiusura dell'otturatore copre un intervallo di 8 sec - 1/2000 sec;
il DISPLAY LCD da 2" è "mobile", come detto precedentemente, ed ha una risoluzione di 552x416, così come l'EVF (il mirino digitale) da 0,44";
l'AUTOSCATTO è da 2 o da 10 secondi;
il MICROFONO e l'ALTOPARLANTE sono entrambi interni;
le DIMENSIONI sono, in millimetri, 86 x 141 x 138;
il PESO di 0,67 kg;
non ha senso mettere il PREZZO d'acquisto, in quanto fuori produzione.
Concludo illustrando una piccola chicca molto molto utile: il sensore di posizione. Grazie ad esso, se la fotocamera viene girata per fare foto in verticale, le Photos are automatically rotated from the "onboard computer".
And now a quick list of the highlights:
- although not interchangeable, the goal is excellent when used as a standard 35mm as well as telephoto, given the substantial 420 mm you can read between the features;
- both targeted display that are of excellent quality;
- the zoom ring is mechanical, manual focus, although digital, has a ring on the lens, as in the SLR;
- the photographs are sharp, fabulous color and brightness;
- ideal to switch to the manual by the automatism without trauma;
- very complete instruction manual;
- Leica lens. I think
passionate about photography for a guy like me, and not exactly a beginner,
You must say "I recommend this tool ..." etc etc?!? It seems so obvious already!
Thanks for reading another of my "short" reports!
Buy the best digital cameras on
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