Rating: 5 / 5
Pro: Too many for one line of text ...!
Cons: ... Are you kidding?!?

In one evening in August, my old TV CRT has decided it was his now ...

I, "very" sorry, I immediately suggested to buy a LCD TV, however, since one has to buy something ... and then began the search. After a hard selection among different models and brands of excellent quality, everything I sent upstream as soon as my eyes were caught by a Samsung 32R86BD (the "WD" is, however, the white model, but the only thing to distinguish the two is the color).

I anticipate that we find out details and highlights of the TV, but for now I just say that I was so pleased by what the salesman told me the electronics store, to restrict the "struggle" to only two models, the BD and the WD.
Yes, in practice it was just to see what would have been better in relation to furnishing the living room ...
Since it is in classical style with wooden furniture, you could only buy BD, in black.
Il WD, infatti, è più indicato per chi ha una casa arredata in stile moderno.
Entrambi molto belli...poi il materiale plastico di cui è costituito ricorda molto i miei Mac, quindi meglio di così non poteva andare per me! Dopo aver convinto il resto della famiglia, finalmente l'acquisto...il prezzo più conveniente che abbiamo trovato, girando per i maggiori centri commerciali di Roma, è stato di circa 800-850 €, che poi è più o meno in linea con i listini sui siti delle grandi catene di acquisti on-line. Vi assicuro che i prezzi erano, in alcuni casi, anche di un centinaio di euro superiori.
Una volta arrivato a casa, apro la confezione...
Oltre al televisore, trovo il telecomando, the bracket for attaching to the wall, the pedestal and the printed manual, as well as various details such as screws, cables, etc..
The wall bracket is certainly safer than "hooking system suicide bombers" of my LG LCD TV (soon to publish the review on my other LCD TV, and you will get familiar with the ingenuity of the method "attack on the wall string "...).
However, the furniture, it was necessary to use the plinth, which glossy black, elliptical, very solid and secured to the television industry with a lot of screws! Better that abound in deficit, no?!?
The remote control is light, elegant and slender, pretty intuitive ... to the extent possible, of course: that Samsung really has many functions.
Once attached the socket, antenna (via • video recorder) and DVD player, start the setup of the TV ... which also is assisted by: just turned on the TV helps me in the programming of channels. In
analog manual search for the record. After I made the classic ... "bunch" ... for the frequency search, fine tuning for optimum viewing, etc.., I discover that the Samsung has an internal Freeview receivers. Then I think, however, should we waste a minimum for this new "research" ... and I think wrong, though! In fact, I just press a button to start the automatic programming of digital channels and not just a surprise, I find them all already prepared in the classic list that almost everyone we (RAI 1, RAI 2, RAI 3, Rete 4, etc).
However, this Samsung has a feature hardware / software really amazing: you can insert the card to pay for the contents of the DTT (Digital Terrestrial symbol indicating) in an option slot, which is then placed on the back of the TV.
Unfortunately, the popular clerk first told me that the slot you can only buy on the internet, because if you could freely buy in stores, the purchase of DTT would suffer a fall classic. Of course I am referring to the entire Italian territory. It is absurd, but surely someone will make this easy "no-sale" ... however, I inform you about prices on the web.
take up the subject of programming ...
analogy I replied (just press the appropriate button on the remote) and I find the frequency of the VCR (video recorder).
The DVD, which goes with the scart is not to be programmed course.
Doing the math: the attack on the socket and, shortly thereafter, are ready to watch TV and browse through the advanced features! Not a bad start ...
The functions are accessed through a simple but "powerful" menu. Can I set
images and sounds in automatic or manual control.
But let the connection of my beloved iBook, using the TV as an external monitor.
Using the DVI cable, it takes me a few moments to view my desktop on 32 "Samsung.
By the way ... when in DVI and HDMI connections, you can use a wonderful feature: the dream of all children (Maybe I have a little 'too much, but it has always been very chic !)........................ you: the Picture-in-Picture! ! That, for the uninitiated in such matters, is the window that appears in a corner of the screen, where you can see a second TV channel in small.
Another very interesting graphics solution is adopted for teletext: pressing the TXT button once, the text is actually very squashed! In 16:9, well ...
The third is for viewing in 16:9 in transparency.
Since we have touched on the subject: Teletext is very fast, it loads pages as it does on many other TVs. Indeed, just type the page number and TXT in a split second, the text appears.
One of my regrets is that he had not yet tried the TV with high definition movies, but I can assure you that the only existing standard definition viewing is spectacular. I swear that I never thought that one could make the screen image so realistic. It seems that people, objects and landscapes are brought out from the screen ... leaves me speechless every time I turn it on!
The integrated sound is very good. Every now and then, on some DVDs, the sound is a little low, but I do not know if it's guilt the TV or DVD player.
sore there are none, but a really strong point to get out of the ordinary scheme "You can tell, feels good, beautiful, etc", is the extraordinary strength of this product.

Maybe I overdid it a bit '... but the screen is solid and extremely stable, no small feat in an LCD TV, which often gives the idea of \u200b\u200bfragile.
positivissima Another feature of this TV is the provision of port input / output: S-Video, A / V Composite, two Scart, Component (Y / Pb / Pr), a PC input, three HDMI ports and a headphone output.
Dimensions (in mm): 800 x 91 x 541. Weight 13.1 kg.
Now I plagiarized yards of other technical features, but I do not make much sense ... just go to Samsung's website and type the name of the product.
schermo LCD ad alta definizione da 32" è di sicuro uno dei migliori acquisti che abbia mai fatto in campo tecnologico. La cosa che mi "intriga" è il fatto che devo mettere alla prova ancora molte delle sue potenzialità, specie quelle di livello più elevato (HD in primis).
Ho tralasciato, volutamente, alcune caratteristiche e funzioni in questo rapporto...chiedo quindi scusa a timer, fermo•immagine e quant'altro mi sia lasciato "per strada", ma descrivere davvero tutto sarebbe forse un'impresa proibitiva!
Questo prodotto abbina il fascino dell'eleganza a quello della modernità, e racchiude in sè potenzialità enormi.
Ovviamente consiglio l'acquisto.
Hello to tuttiiii!
ps: a forgotten ... The screen has a contrast of 8.000:1 well, they told me to be among the best, if not the best, among all the LCD monitor on the market!

pps: I am attaching three videos related to the Samsung R8 Series, which the My TV is a part. The first is a presentation on the main Specifications ...........
..... the second is an advertisement so cool (even if you are familiar with English, you understand the meaning ...)..... .
....... the third made a presentation on the design type music video ...
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